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Our Technology Platform

Building self-funded plans has historically been time consuming, taking upwards of 80 hours to do vendor research and deliver client proposals. Our software provides all the tools you need to build a stellar self-funding program in just a few clicks. By using a rule-based engine to model self-funded programs, Novo Connection can cut your plan building time by 90%.

Our Key Features 
Stop-loss comparison
  • Using smart technology to drive decision making in the self-insured quoting process

  • Dynamic analytics providing insights and cost saving recommendations

  • Access to quotes from dozens of stop-loss vendors through our proprietary secure platform

  • Transparency in all we do including analytics, reporting, and pricing

  • Optional member advocacy and concierge services​

  • Our in-house Implementation team can handle contracts and plan set-up

Novo Connection is fueled by data to bring you transparent options for your program builds. Through our platform you can bring innovative solutions to your clients, faster than ever.

Our service doesn’t end with the software, there’s an option to go all the way through implementation and continue support throughout the life of the account. Having access to our service team allows for a personable experience throughout everyone's healthcare journey, making for happy employment across the board.

Best self-funded plan
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